Alycia Anderson Blog

Episode 57 – Angelea Yoder | Let Them Stare

Published: Thursday July 25, 2024
angelea yoder episode fifty seven pushing forward with alycia disability podcast

Angelea Yoder shares her journey and the inspiration behind her project “Let Them Stare.” Specializing in fashion and portraiture, Yoder, who lives with VACTERL and congenital scoliosis, aims to redefine beauty standards by highlighting diverse bodies. Her project includes a children’s book, “Look at Me, Look What I Can Do,” and an adult book, showcasing unique abilities and personal styles, promoting inclusivity in fashion.

Episode 57 Transcript

Published: Thursday July 25, 2024
pushing forward with alycia podcast tile logo

In the latest episode of “Pushing Forward with Alycia,” Alycia Anderson talks with Angelea Yoder, a Nashville-based photographer who lives with VACTERL. Angelea shares her journey and the inspiration behind her project “Let Them Stare,” which aims to highlight diversity and inclusion in the fashion industry. Through her work, she seeks to empower individuals with disabilities and challenge perceptions. Angelea and Alycia discuss the importance of representation and the impact of art in fostering inclusion.

Episode 56 – Becoming rentABLE | Making Travel Accessible

Published: Thursday July 18, 2024
pushing forward with alycia episode fifty six becoming rentable with lorraine woodward and adam norko

Alycia Anderson discusses accessibility in short-term rentals with Adam Norko and Lorraine Woodard from Becoming rentABLE on this week’s episode of “Pushing Forward with Alycia.” They highlight the struggles disabled travelers face and the importance of accessible accommodations. Lorraine shares her inspiration from personal experiences and the need for standardized accessibility features. Success stories underline the positive impact of accessible travel options, emphasizing the industry’s role in creating inclusive and welcoming environments.

Episode 56 Transcript

Published: Thursday July 18, 2024
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Alycia Anderson discusses challenges disabled travelers face finding accessible lodging. She introduces Becoming rentABLE, speaking with founder Lorraine Woodward and hospitality expert Adam Norko. They cover the importance of accessibility features, share success stories, and emphasize the need for industry-wide standards. Lorraine shares her personal inspiration, and Adam provides industry insights, highlighting common barriers and evolving solutions in short-term rentals.

Episode 55 – Innovating for Accessibility | Dhaval Patel

Published: Thursday July 11, 2024
pushing forward with alycia episode fifty five dhaval patel

In episode 55 of “Pushing Forward with Alycia,” Dhaval Patel, the founder and CEO of Lotus discusses his mission to develop technology optimized for disability, inspired by his personal experience with limited mobility. He explains how Lotus, a smart ring that controls home devices without apps or rewiring, makes spaces accessible. Emphasizing human-centered design, Patel shares the iterative development process and the product’s positive reception. The episode highlights the importance of inclusive technology and its broader benefits.

Episode 55 Transcript

Published: Thursday July 11, 2024
pushing forward with alycia podcast tile logo

Dhaval Patel, founder of Lotus, discusses his commitment to accessible technology on “Pushing Forward with Alycia.” Inspired by personal mobility challenges, he developed Lotus, a smart ring for controlling home devices without apps or rewiring. Through human-centered design and extensive research, Lotus was created to meet the needs of people with disabilities. The product has received significant accolades and highlights the broader benefits of accessible design for everyone.

Episode 54 – Reflecting on a Year of Pushing Forward with Alycia

Published: Thursday July 4, 2024
pushing forward with alycia epsiode fifty four celebrating the one year anniversary of the podcast with marty and alycia

Alycia and Marty celebrate the one-year anniversary of the “Pushing Forward with Alycia” podcast, reflecting on their mission to amplify stories from the disability community. They highlight key guests, share impactful listener testimonials, and discuss their goals for inclusivity and empowerment. The episode underscores the podcast’s growth, featuring historic figures, allies, and influencers, and expresses gratitude to supporters and production team members, promising continued advocacy and expansion.

Episode 54 Transcript

Published: Thursday July 4, 2024
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In Episode 54 of “Pushing Forward with Alycia,” Alycia and Marty celebrate the podcast’s one-year anniversary, reflecting on its mission to amplify disability stories and transform challenges into opportunities. They highlight impactful guests like Chelsea Hill and Brad Parks, share listener testimonials, and discuss significant achievements. The episode concludes with plans for future growth, including launching a YouTube channel, and ends with a motivational message to keep pushing forward and never give up.

Episode 53 – Meet Kaylee Bays: Wheelchair Ballerina from SYTYCD

Published: Thursday June 27, 2024
pushing forward with alycia disability podcast episode fifty three teaser with kaylee bays

In Episode 53 of “Pushing Forward with Alycia,” Alycia Anderson interviews Kaylee Bays, the first wheelchair dancer on “So You Think You Can Dance.” Kaylee shares her journey from childhood dancer to a groundbreaking performer, overcoming stereotypes and advocating for inclusivity in dance. They discuss Kaylee’s diagnosis of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, her adaptive dance techniques, and the importance of community and representation. Kaylee’s inspiring story champions breaking barriers and embracing diversity in the arts.

Episode 53 Transcript

Published: Thursday June 27, 2024
pushing forward with alycia podcast tile logo

In Episode 53 of “Pushing Forward with Alycia,” Alycia Anderson welcomes Kaylee Bays, the first wheelchair dancer on “So You Think You Can Dance.” Kaylee shares her inspiring journey from Disney performer to overcoming Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and breaking stereotypes in dance. They discuss her innovative adaptive movements, the importance of community, and her work with Studio Slay. Kaylee’s story champions resilience, creativity, and inclusivity in the arts.