alycia sitting in her wheelchair facing sideways with her head tilted back smiling

Disabling Ableism.

The Modern Pathway to Inclusion.®

Inclusion Superwoman

Alycia Anderson right sizes everyday obstacles to open your mind to a world of possibility.

(And that’s how she rolls.)

Alycia is a world-class motivational speaker who champions disability inclusion with passion, authenticity, and a powerful personal story. She is a TEDx speaker, CEO, and advocate, who delivers compelling keynote presentations, sparking transformation and inspiring action within organizations worldwide.

From tech companies to educational institutions, she has spoken to over 100 companies on topics ranging from accessibility and intersectionality to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Alycia’s message is clear: embracing disability inclusion fosters innovation, strengthens community, and promotes a more equitable society. Let her expertise push forward and inspire your next event, training, or conference.

Explore speaking opportunities with Alycia Anderson today!

Alycia’s Podcast is Now Available on:

Disability Inclusion & Ableism Trainings

The Alycia Anderson Company has been hard at work developing entry and enterprise level trainings to help break down the barriers to disability inclusion in our society and at our places of work. We are now offering a range of options to help your organizations succeed in disability inclusion and to help dismantle and disable ableism in your lives and places of work. Explore the trainings below:

Disability Inclusive Leadership Workshop

embracing disability inclusion leadership workshop

Instructor lead Virtual or In-Person Facilitation

(1 Hour 30 Minutes)

Facilitated workshop including interactive coursework Embracing Disability Inclusive Leadership Workshop

Disabling Ableism Training Course Package

disabling ableism microlearning training series

Instructor lead Virtual or In-Person Facilitation

( 1 Hour)

Facilitated course including the Disabling Ableism. The modern pathway to inclusion.® Microlearning Series

Downloadable Microlearning Series

disabling ableism the modern pathway to inclusion microlearning series

Self-guided Online Training

(25 Minutes)

Disabling Ableism. The modern pathway to inclusion.® Microlearning Series

Disability in:

DEI + Accessibility

Alycia has embraced her path as a lifelong disabled woman and has become a renowned leader in the disability community. She is speaking full-time as both a Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility, and Disability Motivational Speaker as well as a Corporate Inclusion Coach and Mentor. She warmly introduces the discussion to the theory and practice of disability inclusion by sharing her story, inspiring others to achieve their fullest potential, and furthering the conversation about how workplace inclusion and the benefits of the real bottom-line in creating a diverse and inclusive workplace and society.

Believe in possible!

alycia sitting in her wheelchair by stairs leading up to a door


It’s for all of us!

alycia pointing at her back wearing a jean jacket that has patches saying see heart me


It’s who we are!

Alycia with peace sign near a rainbow mural


It’s how we get there!

alycia holding a sign that says the heart of inclusion


It’s what we do!

Partner Spotlight

Through Alycia’s speaking and the hard work of practicing inclusion on a daily basis the idea was born to highlight some of the budding allyship that her work in diversity, equity, inclusion and workplace accessibility has blossomed. The ongoing work of disabling ableism carries on with the help of her ally:

bay-arenac intermediate  school district and pinconning area school district

Click the logos above to learn about my trip to Michigan.

The Bay–Arenac Intermediate and Pinconning Area School Districts in Michigan, are providing educational excellence for the benefit of all students to succeed.

Upcoming Appearances

WETA logo
December, 2024

GSK Glaxo Smith Kline logo
December, 2024

Sequoia Middle School logo
December, 2024

Microsoft logo
December, 2024

North Valley Property Owners Association logo
February, 2025

Own It logo
April, 2025

Latest Episode

Contributor’s Corner

Magnetic Motivator

Widening Pathways of Opportunity

(One stage at a time!)


This is what people are saying about me.

Saffy Johnson

Disability Inclusion Alliance Co-Chair

Blue Shield of California

Saffy Johnson testimonial image

“Alycia Anderson is an absolutely stellar motivational speaker and collaborator! She partnered closely with our leads to understand our needs, develop her speaking points, and coordinate to join us live in office.”

Teresa Athan

Teresa Athan testimonial image

“SCTEM loved having you speak Alycia, it was the most fantastic way to end our conference with you rounding out and bringing home our thoughts for this topic perfectly! Our attendees left feeling energized to follow up on things they have been wondering how to address! Very impactful and meaningful!”

Nichelle Grant

Head of Diversity,Equity and Inclusion


Nichelle Grant testimonial image

“Thank you Alycia for speaking to Siemens employees across the globe. Thank you for sharing your story and inspiring others to share theirs on the call. Let’s continue to advocate for inclusion of everyone.”

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