I shared time yesterday with the @triphazard.usa Team. Invited as their speaker to share my “The Heart of Inclusion” message.TripHazard a concrete/asphalt company with many offerings, one being ADA projects by way of ramps, accessible parking, curved curbs & way more than I can intelligently speak too. Please check them out!
I realized when preparing for this session I had a rare opportunity to speak to a group that is literally “paving” the way into access of life for so many. I found myself emotionally connected deeply for so many reasons related to my past, present and future.
#ADA oftentimes salted with #adversity,seen as punitive & stigmatized.But what is missed is the #purpose and #GOODNESS and #BEAUTY of what it brings to #everyone. Which is the #ability to live life no matter what happens to us.
A huge compliment from TripHazards CEO, Phil Rogacki “What an inspiration she was to the team today. Her message has changed the purpose of why we are in business.”
This WHY I speak to companies. To #IMPACT lens we see through. To open minds & hearts believing in #possible then widening the doors of #opportunity for everyone. Im fired up & #grateful#inclusion#diversity#equality#seemeforme#heartofinclusion#inclusiveleadership#changemaker#inclusionsuperwoman#mulitfamily