Thank you Siemens, it was an honor to deliver my speech, Disabling Ableism in the Workplace, to your global team today. The outpouring of support and confirmation in the event chat string verified that the message was received and it gave me a great sense of validation in the DEI & Accessibility work that I do.
The allyship that can be found in your company’s pillars of belonging and well-being deserve to be lifted up and celebrated! The massive reach and potential for global impact your company can bring with these types of values inspires hope for long-lasting advancement in the field.
Thank you Nichelle Grant, CDE and Lauren Espin DaCosta – MBA, PMP® for trusting me and inviting me to share my message with your teams during #NDEAM National Disability Employment Awareness Month! It has been a pleasure to work with you, friends for life!
Client Testimonial
“Thank you Alycia for speaking to Siemens employees across the globe.
Thank you for sharing your story and inspiring others to share theirs on the call.
Let’s continue to advocate for inclusion of everyone.”
Nichelle Grant- Head of Diversity,Equity and Inclusion
Siemens Corporation