
Intersectionality, Ableism, and Breaking the Glass Ceiling

Published: Thursday June 1, 2023
Alycia sitting on a picnic bench wearing a yellow jacket and black pants with her wheelchair next to her.

26% of people have a disability (1 in 4 Americans), yet it’s estimated that less than 6% of the national housing supply is designed to be accessible. Recognizing the relationships that exist between disability, intersectionality, and the glass ceilings that have yet to be broken in multifamily and the workplace are important concepts to understand … read more… Intersectionality, Ableism, and Breaking the Glass Ceiling

Getting to Know: Alycia Anderson

Published: Wednesday March 30, 2022
screen capture comstocks magazine article

As a corporate consultant and the owner of her own company, Alycia Anderson crafts speeches and corporate policies that advocate accessibility and inclusion. (Photos by Andrew Calisterio) A Roseville-based disability advocate encourages corporate America to rethink accessibility Comstock’s Magazine MAR 30, 2022 By Vanessa Labi In the opening lines of her 2021 talk for TEDx South … read more… Getting to Know: Alycia Anderson