“Your application caught our attention, for so many different reasons. LOVED it and congratulations, you have been accepted to speak at this year’s TEDx South Lake Tahoe event!”
I did it! I have been invited to roll onto that big, beautiful, magical red dot, on the most prestigious speaking stage there is, the TEDx stage. A stage where “global thinkers gather to share ideas in hopes of changing attitudes, lives, and ultimately the world.”
This opportunity is a testament to setting goals and achieving your wildest dreams. No matter what you or society perceives your abilities to be, the possibilities are endless if you just try.
I will be delivering my talk: “Disabling Ableism: The modern pathway to inclusion.”
Differences are okay! The important thing is that we don’t favor one over the other, but celebrate each of us for our uniqueness. Ableism is everywhere you turn. It’s ingrained in society so much so, it’s overlooked or goes unnoticed, but without recognizing ableism and its effects we will never fully understand what inclusion really means. When we disable ableism, we truly begin to see people for people and then we value our differences bringing a broader outlook to our world, expanding possibilities for all!
I am so excited!