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Voting Accessibility

Published: Monday October 24, 2022

I support Equitable Access to vote!

People with disabilities face a ton of barriers in Voting Accessibility. Barriers such as a total lack of Accessible Polling locations and machines or restrictions on absentee voting practices.

Imagine making your way to vote and there is no access to enter the polling station with your assistive devices such as your wheelchair or walker, or even the lack of large print and braille signage for someone with a visual impairment. Maybe even your voting machines are not offering audio for those that need it?

These are only some of the barriers that 1-4 of us in the United States face that have a disability. This is a huge number of people who have the right to vote just the same as others, that potentially miss out because of ableism.

Absentee voting, creating inclusive environments and implementing adapted tools and assistive technology gives 1-4 of us the ability to exercise our right to vote.

✅ I voted early through absentee voting. This is the inclusion path I choose to exercise my right to vote and I’m grateful for it!


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