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We Should Talk About That

Published: Monday August 15, 2022

NYT bestselling author of Impossible Odds, Jessica Buchanan, along with fellow writer Jessica Kidwell, attempt to unpack the uncomfortable topics that nobody is talking about, but definitely should. With the intention to hold real, authentic conversation about EVERYTHING, the Two Jess(es) bring their humor and a healthy dose of self-deprecation to the table as they unpack issues relating to PTSD, grief, imposter syndrome, body image, middle age, the plight of the working mom and more.

In this episode, Jess and Jess chat with Alycia about her work on disabling ableism- how ableism continues to show up in all sorts of forms, and how they can become allies in this state of being that is crying out for change.

Listen to the podcast on the We Should Talk About That website:

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