Tag: DisabilityInclusion

Episode 24: Runway of Dreams founder, Mindy Scheier

Published: Thursday December 7, 2023
mindy scheier episode twenty four of pushing forward with alycia disability fashion

Alycia features Mindy Scheier, founder of Runway of Dreams and Gamut Management. Inspired by her son’s challenges, Mindy transitioned from a fashion designer to an advocate for inclusive fashion. Her mission led to collaborations with brands like Tommy Hilfiger, promoting adaptive fashion and emphasizing clothing’s role in fostering confidence and personal identity.

Episode 18 – A mother’s unbreakable bond: The Dani Izzie Story

Published: Thursday October 19, 2023
dani izzie episode teaser for pushing forward with alycia podcast a mothers unbreakable bond danis twins

Dani Izzie, a powerhouse woman who is also a quadriplegic, shares how she navigated the complexities of motherhood with unwavering determination, inspiring us all. Her remarkable journey, has been turned into a poignant documentary, Dani’s Twins, and it defies the misconceptions surrounding disability and parenthood. Dani champions inclusivity in the disability consumer marketplace through her pioneering venture, Access Social, a company that she has created to provide her digital marketing expertise to the world.

Challenges of Navigating Airline Travel in a Wheelchair

Published: Tuesday October 3, 2023
Alycia Anderson getting a full body search from TSA agent

By Marsten Anderson The Alycia Anderson Company Staff In the Modern World Destinations around the globe are becoming ever more accessible and the need for traveling by air for many has increased in frequency and necessity.  Making your way through airports, security checkpoints, terminals, to your gates and eventually on to the plane can be daunting for … read more… Challenges of Navigating Airline Travel in a Wheelchair

Pushing Forward with Alycia: Episode 4 – DEI+Disability | Etsy’s Beth Wiesendanger

Published: Thursday July 13, 2023
pushing forward with alycia podcast tile logo

Welcome back to Pushing Forward with Alycia! In today’s episode, Alycia Anderson, a fierce disability advocate and TEDx speaker, continues to share her mission to empower change by disabling ableism and bringing on experts in the field of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion AND Accessibility! Welcome Beth Wiesendanger Beth is a leading voice in diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility … read more… Pushing Forward with Alycia: Episode 4 – DEI+Disability | Etsy’s Beth Wiesendanger

Kicking Off Disability Pride Month on the Pushing Forward with Alycia Podcast!

Published: Thursday July 6, 2023

In my latest episode, I’m keeping true to my mission of empowering change and disabling ableism by celebrating disability pride, and to kick off Disability Pride Month I’ll be discussing the significance of celebrating the passing of the Americans with Disabilities Act. I will be joined once again by my special guest, business partner and husband, Marty.  Together … read more… Kicking Off Disability Pride Month on the Pushing Forward with Alycia Podcast!

Pushing Forward with Alycia Podcast has Officially Launched!

Published: Thursday July 6, 2023
introducing your host alycia

In honor of all that is going on with my Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Accessibility Business and in celebration of Disability Pride Month, I have officially launched my podcast, Pushing Forward with Alycia! This podcast is a passion project of mine that has come to fruition through many long hours in collaboration with esteemed members … read more… Pushing Forward with Alycia Podcast has Officially Launched!

Give Disability a Voice

Published: Monday May 15, 2023
alycia sitting at a table outside with a cup of coffee and her wheelchair next to her she is wearing white with her hair down

Recently I spoke virtually to a group of disabled women (my peers / my sisters) at the Boundless Babe Society that was created to help women with disabilities all over the world learn to level up in life. Being among others that look like me and understand me because they too are living the challenges … read more… Give Disability a Voice

Mothers Day

Published: Sunday May 14, 2023
ID: Alycia and her mom in a wedding pushing her wheelchair down a rocky road carrying flowers

This is my mom, Marsha. She is the most beautiful woman ever. I may be biased but I’m pretty sure she is. She was pregnant in this photo with my brother Nicholas. Regina (my twin) and I were just 5 years old. Shortly after “Nick” was born she was diagnosed with leukemia and one year … read more… Mothers Day

Disabling Ableism

Published: Wednesday May 3, 2023
Alycia wearing pink sitting in wheelchair holding black picture frame that says disabling ableism the modern pathway to inclusion.

#Ableism is a prejudice that leads to a discrimination against people with disabilities. It is based on the belief that “typical abilities” are superior. It shows up in pity, exclusion, stigmas, neglect, stereotyping, bias, language, microaggressions and lack of accessibility to the resources and opportunities for people with disabilities. Ableism perpetuates the marginalization of individuals with disabilities and … read more… Disabling Ableism

Disability Inclusion?

Published: Thursday April 6, 2023
Alycia pushing wheelchair up a ramp wearing a jean jacket and black plants smiling

Disability inclusion is an active, intentional and meaningful participation of people with disabilities in all aspects of society and workplaces. It occurs by offering environments, policies, and practices that empower people with disabilities to fully participate in and contribute to society. Disability inclusion removes physical, social, and attitudinal barriers that prevent people with disabilities from … read more… Disability Inclusion?