Recently I spoke virtually to a group of disabled women (my peers / my sisters) at the Boundless Babe Society that was created to help women with disabilities all over the world learn to level up in life.
Being among others that look like me and understand me because they too are living the challenges I face daily is one of my absolute favorite things! Being a part of an environment where I blend into the crowd instead of sticking out. Being in an environment where I don’t have to explain who I am and why I am. Being in an environment that takes a lot of the pressure off of living a life with a disability.
This is rare for me and it’s really nice to have a break from my disability being the first thing I have to explain sometimes.
My talk centered around self advocacy and boundary setting and as it ended one of the attendees raised her hand. She boldly shared with me and the rest of the audience that she was not sure how to articulate how she was feeling, other than, “I’m ready to give my disability a voice.” ~ @Seated.Perspectives (Ali)
WOW! This is the reason for me! This is EXACTLY why I do what I do!
Giving disability a voice is a hugely necessary step towards promoting inclusivity, equality, and the overall understanding of people with disabilities. It may seem like a simple and easy thing to do, but in reality it has literally taken millenia for the world to be ready for these voices to be heard.
So, how can this be accomplished? Great question!
✅ Amplify disabled voices:
Give disabled people the time, platforms and respect to share their experiences, perspectives, and ideas. Actively seek out their voices, perspectives, applaud their representation in all forms of media, and include them into decision-making processes and discussions.
✅ Educate others:
Educate others about disability issues. Raise awareness about the barriers and challenges that people with disabilities face and promote real portrayals of disability in popular culture.
✅ Advocate for change:
Advocate for policy changes that challenge and promote accessibility and inclusion. Disable ableism.
✅ Champion:
Be an ally to help give disability a voice. Organize events, create online forums and social media groups, and promote collaboration and mutual support among and for people with disabilities.
✅ Be committed:
Listen, learn, and take action to cultivate inclusivity, equality, and understanding of others no matter the shape, size or ability they come in.
ID: alycia sitting at a table outside with a cup of coffee and her wheelchair next to her she is wearing white with her hair down