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Episode 21 – Adaptive Fitness and Nutrition with Nikki Walsh

Published: Thursday November 9, 2023

Pushing Forward with Alycia | A Disability Podcast

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In this episode of Pushing Forward with Alycia

Alycia interviews Nikki Walsh, a wheelchair user and personal trainer who is passionate about making fitness and nutrition accessible to everyone. Nikki shares her story and insights on how to create a more inclusive fitness space and empower wheelchair users to achieve their fitness goals.

Life Day Celebration:

Nikki shares a deeply personal and significant celebration known as the Life Day within the wheelchair user community. This milestone represents a new beginning after a life-altering event. For Nikki, it’s a day of reflection, growth, and a testament to her resilience.

From Pre to Post-Injury:

Nikki Walsh share’s her journey into living life with a spinal cord injury after a traumatic car accident in 2018. Despite the challenges she faced, Nikki rediscovered her passion for fitness. Her story is a testament to the human spirit’s capacity to adapt and overcome.

The Importance of Strength Training:

One of the central themes of Nikki’s journey is the critical role of strength training for wheelchair users. She emphasizes how developing strength, particularly in the upper body and core, has been transformative for her and her clients. Strength training isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s about functional independence.

Nikki Walsh Debunks Nutrition Myths:

Nikki dispels common myths surrounding nutrition, including the misconception that exercise alone leads to weight loss. She stresses the importance of paralysis nutrition, a balanced diet, as well as including an adequate intake of protein and carbohydrates for gut health.

Championing Adaptive Fitness:

Nikki discusses the importance of making fitness more accessible to wheelchair users. She highlights the need for gyms to offer adaptive equipment and knowledgeable trainers who understand the unique needs of this community.

Preserving Independence:

Adaptive fitness and nutrition can be powerful tools for preserving independence as wheelchair users age. By focusing on strength and health, individuals can lead fulfilling lives with fewer physical limitations.

Closing Thoughts:

Alycia Anderson and Nikki Walsh wrap up their conversation with a powerful message: shifting one’s perspective can be the catalyst for transformative change. By embracing the journey to physical and mental well-being, wheelchair users can break through barriers and achieve their fitness goals.

Connect with Nikki Walsh

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Stay tuned for more inspiring conversations on Pushing Forward with Alycia. Open hearts, clear paths. Let’s go.