Tag: Advocate

Episode 12 – Twin Sisters, Forever Advocates ❤️❤️

Published: Thursday September 7, 2023
episode twelve of pushing forward with alycia podcast teaser twin sisters forever advocates with regina weinstein

Welcome back to Pushing Forward with Alycia Where heartfelt stories of resilience and unity take center stage. In this very personal episode, Alycia Anderson invites her identical, able-bodied twin sister, Regina Weinstein, to share their extraordinary bond. An Unbreakable Twin Bond A Lifelong Journey of Togetherness Dive deep into the stories of two sisters who … read more… Episode 12 – Twin Sisters, Forever Advocates ❤️❤️

Episode 11 – The Essence of Empathy | Michael Tennant

Published: Thursday August 31, 2023
the essence of empathy michael tennant episode eleven pushing forward with alycia

Exploring The Power of Empathy with Michael Tennant Step into the realm of empathy and inclusivity with another thought-provoking episode of Pushing Forward with Alycia. In Episode 11, Alycia Anderson delves deep into the world of empathy, advocacy, and inclusivity alongside the dynamic Michael Tennant, a visionary entrepreneur, author, and creator of Curiosity Lab. Micael … read more… Episode 11 – The Essence of Empathy | Michael Tennant

Episode 11 Transcript

Published: Thursday August 31, 2023
pushing forward with alycia podcast tile logo

In Episode 11, Alycia Anderson explores the dynamic intersections of disability, identity, and inclusion. Drawing from personal experiences, she highlights the significance of authentic representation and self-identification in disability advocacy. The conversation touches on critical issues such as accessibility in the workplace and the need for comprehensive DEIA strategies.

Keynote Speaker at Wyoming Developmental Disabilities Conference

Published: Sunday June 11, 2023
Alycia wearing all black popping a wheelie in her wheelchair in an advertisement for Wyoming Developmental Disabilities Conference on June 8th.

Alycia Anderson delivered an impactful keynote at the Wyoming Developmental Disabilities Conference, where she emphasized disability inclusion, advocacy, and empowerment. Drawing on her experience, she inspired attendees to embrace diversity in their personal and professional lives. Her speech focused on overcoming challenges, promoting accessibility, and ensuring equal opportunities for people with disabilities. Alycia’s words resonated with participants and paved the way for positive change.

Mothers Day

Published: Sunday May 14, 2023
ID: Alycia and her mom in a wedding pushing her wheelchair down a rocky road carrying flowers

In her Mother’s Day reflection, Alycia Anderson pays tribute to her mother’s unwavering love and support. She recounts how her mom shaped her resilience, independence, and confidence as a woman with a disability. Alycia highlights the importance of maternal influence in her journey, expressing deep gratitude for the lessons in strength, courage, and unconditional love that continue to inspire her advocacy work.

Oh yeah! National Disability Employment Awareness Month(NDEAM)! 

Published: Monday October 3, 2022
alycia on stage pointing up at slide of her waitress in a wheelchair story

Oh yeah! It’s October and that means it’s National Disability Employment Awareness Month(NDEAM)!  October is a month to raise awareness of the employment needs and contributions of individuals with all types of disabilities that can be carried on throughout the year! It’s a month to educate and empower employers and employees about the need for … read more… Oh yeah! National Disability Employment Awareness Month(NDEAM)! 


Published: Saturday June 18, 2022
apartmentalize marketing banner with alycia pictured along a header im speaking in san diego

I hope you can join my session “Disabling Ableism® The Modern Pathway to Inclusion in the Workplace” at NAA on June 22nd in San Diego! See you there!