
Here are 8 Ways to Include Disability In DEI Efforts

Published: Thursday July 20, 2023
screen capture of article on risk management magazine website

Many people may not know that July is Disability Pride Month, a commemorative celebration of the Americans with Disabilities Act being signed into law in 1990. That same year, Boston held the nation’s first Disability Pride Day. Since then, there have been regular celebrations across the country, from Los Angeles and San Francisco to New York City.

Pushing Forward with Alycia Podcast has Officially Launched!

Published: Thursday July 6, 2023
introducing your host alycia

This podcast is a passion project of mine that has come to fruition through many long hours in collaboration with esteemed members of the disability community, my hardworking creative team and a lot of my own personal growth in pushing through fear and stepping up to being the changemaker I want to be.

Pushing Forward with Alycia: Episode 3 – Disability Pride Month | Embracing Identity

Published: Thursday July 6, 2023
pushing forward with alycia podcast tile logo

In this episode, Alycia Anderson and her husband Marty explore the empowering nature of Disability Pride Month. They reflect on the Americans with Disabilities Act, discussing how celebrating disability pride can dismantle ableism and foster a more inclusive society. By embracing disability as a core part of one’s identity, they challenge the limitations often imposed on disabled individuals, promoting visibility, acceptance, and understanding.

Keynote Speaker at Wyoming Developmental Disabilities Conference

Published: Sunday June 11, 2023
Alycia wearing all black popping a wheelie in her wheelchair in an advertisement for Wyoming Developmental Disabilities Conference on June 8th.

Alycia Anderson delivered an impactful keynote at the Wyoming Developmental Disabilities Conference, where she emphasized disability inclusion, advocacy, and empowerment. Drawing on her experience, she inspired attendees to embrace diversity in their personal and professional lives. Her speech focused on overcoming challenges, promoting accessibility, and ensuring equal opportunities for people with disabilities. Alycia’s words resonated with participants and paved the way for positive change.

Celebrating International Women’s Day with Western Asset Management 

Published: Wednesday March 8, 2023
ID: Alycia sitting in studio wearing purple giving speech "Intersectionality and Embracing Equity Through the Lens of Disability"

Alycia Anderson celebrates International Women’s Day with Western Asset Management, focusing on the intersection of disability, gender, and equity. This special event highlights the experiences of disabled women while addressing ableism and sexism. It serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of inclusive spaces and breaking down barriers in the workplace, fostering stronger advocacy for both gender equality and disability rights.