Multifamily Women is an organization that is creating a bigger and better future for women in Multifamily. Extracting the knowledge from Executive Women in Leadership and inspiring emerging leaders with their thought leadership platform.
It was an honor to be a guest appearance on their podcast today and to be considered a thought leader in the multifamily space with regards to speaking on disability inclusion and accessibility advocacy.
Having the moment to shine light on the immense opportunity we have in multifamily to pave forward is huge for me. This is because in the multifamily and real estate development industry we are creating the infrastructure that determines a more inclusive and accessible society for everyone.
This is a big deal and a huge responsibility!
In the podcast, I also share on my journey into the realm of speaking full time, and all of the energy, work and drive that it requires. As a pioneer in this message, I truly believe in the cause of which I discuss subject matter on: diversity equity and inclusion. I’m am blessed to be finding the hands assisting in pulling this message forward with every speech I’ve contracted.
I’m becoming bolder and more impactful every day, and all of this passion is stemming from my life long experience and relationship with my disability, sacral agenesis and all of the people I have worked alongside in my journey.
I keep hopes open to our nation returning to normal and am excited to be booking at in-person engagements again as well as virtual.
Check back for a link to this podcast which will be released in a couple weeks, and to follow my journey.