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Thanks for Having Me-Confluent!

Published: Monday November 14, 2022
ID: Alycia waving with Confluent AccessAbility Team on a zoom presentation blue screen getting ready to give her #DisablingAbleism#Keynote to the Team. We are all smiling and excited!

You guys…I’m having so much fun ? doing this advocacy work of disability inclusion in the workplace!

I’m literally meeting the most amazing people, who work for the coolest organizations, that have the best ❤️s.

People and companies who are making such a difference for their teams and customers by being intentional in amplifying diverse voices.

And in this … advancing a greater level of knowledge, understanding and acceptance of lifepaths we might not be familiar with prior.

And in this …normalizing conversations we have historically been uncomfortable with. ??

inclusion for me, first and foremost is lead with heart, empathy and civility. This is why I titled my platform years ago…Heart of Inclusion. ❤️

Thank you ConfluentMegan Moyes and the entire AccessAbility Team for leading with your hearts for inclusion and for the work you are doing in disability awareness  and accessibility.

SO thankful to know you ALL! #FriendsForLife ??

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