Category: Things to Know

 #Accessibility features!

Published: Tuesday October 4, 2022
alycia waiving her hands in the air in front of her new subarau

Can anyone say #Accessibility features!? Well done #Subaru for doing what you say and saying what you do! This is the most #Accessible car and #Inclusive car buying experience, I have EVER experienced! Like ever! ✅ Adaptive #Tech (ease of use game changer!) ✅ Adaptive driving tools (wow incredible) ✅ Adaptive hatchback settings (literally life changing!) ✅ Rebate for my hand control installation (never happens!) … read more…  #Accessibility features!

United Spinal Association #StrongWheeled Together Awards Finalist

Published: Wednesday September 7, 2022
alycia united soinal strong wheeled together video listing

I am so excited to have been selected as a finalist for the #StrongWheeled Together awards in the entrepreneurship & innovation category! Read about the finalist announcement on the United Spinal Association’s website. Voting is now open to the public to decide the winner, so, please give me a vote by going to my YouTube … read more… United Spinal Association #StrongWheeled Together Awards Finalist

Access conceptualized!

Published: Saturday June 18, 2022
graphic entailing what access actually is

Access conceptualized! Created by @EllenJones ??❤️