Employment is a basic human right.
Accessibility is a basic human right.
Earning a Livelihood is a basic human right.
Inclusion is a basic human right.
And because of Ableism somehow it’s been acceptable through milenia to not offer basic human rights to those with Disabilities (invisible or visible) in the Workplace.
This is an uphill battle and there is so much room to improve.
Ableism is when we favor one over someone with a disability.
It’s the no way. It’s the absolutely not. It’s the do not adapt. It’s the do not befriend. It’s the do not acknowledge. It’s the do not Hire.
Ableism is the fear and pity lens in which we look at disability through.
Working gives people Dignity, Pride and a sense of Worth.
Ableism contributes to 70% of people with disabilities, that are not counted in the workforce, these feelings.
Ableism in the workplace steals from us the things we never thought were possible.
Inclusion in the workplace takes forward thinking companies, reasonable Accommodations and the willingness to try by all of us to shift perceptions and see what’s Possible.
National Disability Employment #AwarenessMonth is over today but to be successful in disability Inclusion in the workplace we need to recommit to it every day, over and over and again and again. NDEAM2022
Let’s push through and work together.